
April 26, 2010

Superior Patisserie (SP)

After a bit interruption due to the rally last week, Le Cordon Bleu reopened today. I am now in the last leg of my journey to a new profession - pastry chef. I was glad to see old friends but also sad that my partner and good friend Cha postponed classes because of the current political situation in Thailand. There is no assurance we're gonna see each other again in 3 months. She and I had a good work relationship. As I sat in class this afternoon, I felt I was missing someone.

Chef Fabrice presented four recipes for starters. They were Club Sandwich Tropical, Macha Green Tea Cake, Florentin and Mini Apricot and Passion Fruit Cake. We're doing Club Sandwich Tropical for practical tomorrow. Stay tuned.

April 20, 2010

Le Cordon Bleu Graduation

LCBD Graduation
Bangkok, Thailand

We have finally come to the end of yet another three months of hardwork. Le Cordon Bleu Graduation was held at Dusit Thani Hotel on April 1, 2010. Only six of us in Intermediate Patisserie class 3 came to the event. Although half of the class were missing, we still had a wonderful time together.

With Biboy and Cha. We're the only Filipinos at Le Cordon Bleu Dusit this term.

Practical 29 and Demo 30 Sucre Tire (Pulled Sugar)

Demo 30 - Sucre Tire (Pulled Sugar)

The final demo this term. Chef Fabrice exhibited his masterpiece in sugarwork.

Can you believe that only four ingredients are needed to make this? The chef assistant is shown here pulling the shiniest part of the sugar mixture..........