
August 2, 2010

Le Cordon Bleu Graduation

After nine months that seemed eternity, my hardships have paid off. I have finally achieved my goal of becoming Le Cordon Bleu Dusit Culinary School's newest alumna. No more rushing in the wee hours of the morning to get to school on time. No more wearing white uniforms. No more eating cakes which give bulges around my stomach. No more late classes. BUT....but .....I will miss the life at the culinary school, the fun in making cakes and desserts, the friendship, the people who unknowingly have inspired me to do the best I can in continuing the legacy of Le Cordon Bleu.

Nine months is over but my journey has just begun...

with family and friends

My family - the people who supported me throughout the time I was studying at LCBD.

SP 2 Class with P. Nuna

The whole gang + P Nook.. where in the world has Paco gone?

To God be the Glory.

Happiness is in our faces as we hold the diplomas in our hands.

Chiao and I

The Filipinos at LCBD.

SP 2 with Chef Willy who became so emotional during the ceremony. I'll miss them so much.

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