
February 22, 2011

Chocolate Fudge - True American Dessert

My friend, whose dad had been craving for a chocolate fudge cake, introduced me to this American dessert. He requested me to make one for him. It was my first time to hear about this particular dessert and I wanted to make it right so I googled it and found out that this cake can be baked or chilled. I found a simple recipe that only required melting the ingredients. I rang my friend to ask if that was the one he wanted. He said yes and I started preparing every thing I needed to make this dessert.

Marshmallow, butter, sugar went into the pan.

Marshmallows began to shrink. Butter had not fully melted.

All ingredients were incorporated. Chopped dark chocolate were added at this stage. The mixture was stirred until the chocolate melted.

The mixture was transfered into a pan and chilled overnight.

I found this on the sweet side so next time I do it again I will reduce the amount of sugar by a quarter.

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