
May 30, 2011

Mags Farewell Dinner

I was supposed to go to a cheese seminar at Le Cordon Bleu but I received a text message from a friend who was supposed to go with me saying she couldn't make it. I felt bad. I didn't want to go without her so I went straight home. Just as I was opening the door, my phone rang. It was my sister calling me to say that she and her colleagues had arranged a farewell dinner for a friend who's moving to a new school. She asked me if I wanted to join them. My appointment was cancelled so I said yes. I went to meet them at their school and drove together to the restaurant. The place is called Virgin River along Nawamin Road.

We rented a private room equipped with KTV. We ordered loads of food and ate them with gusto. At the end of the night, I felt much better.

Above is deep-fried fish ; below is cashew nut salad

May 27, 2011

Sinful chocolate cake

This is by far second to the most delicious and sinful chocolate I have ever made and eaten. Why sinful? The answer lies in the things it consists of. Same amount of butter and chocolate, 1 cup of sugar, 4 eggs and a heaping tablespoon of flour. No kidding!

May 24, 2011

Mushroom Sandwich

I had never thought that plain mushroom could enhance the flavor of a simple sandwich until one Sunday when my sister's student brought us some mushroom sandwich. I was curious as to how boiled mushroom taste in sandwich so I opened the pack soon as the girl handed it to me, took one piece and ate. The first thing I felt at first bite was the smoothness of the champignon. The taste of mayo, cheese and mushroom was unbelievably delectable. I will have to ask the girl's mother where she bought it because I want to eat some more.

May 2, 2011

Jako is 2

My godson Jako turned two yesterday. His mom, having tasted my chocolate mousse cake at a friend's birthday dinner, ordered the same cake. This was the second time she asked me to make her son's birthday cake. Last year on his first birthday, I made him a chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream frosting.

Anyway, when she called to say she wanted chocolate mousse this time, my mind started to visualize the cake. I wanted a decoration that would fit the occasion, a cake that would look pleasing to the kids' eyes. It's a children's party after all. I googled children's birthday cakes to get ideas. Most cakes I saw were wrapped in fondant. I could make fondant-wrapped cake but with all the work I do at the bakery ( I do all the work from weighing to packing), I was afraid I wouldn't be able to finish it on time. So I continued my search and found some that inspired me to create Jako's birthday cake.