
June 12, 2011

My First Wedding Cake

For a novice baker like me, making wedding cake is a huge undertaking. Never had I thought making it shortly after I began my journey down the baking trail. When I visited Aunty Myrna in April, she told me about a wedding in June. She's one of the principal sponsors and she wanted to give a wedding cake as a present. She told me her preference. For weeks I couldn't stop envisioning the cake. It would be my first time and I was just too excited. I browsed the web, read wedding cake cookbooks and asked a friend who is a more experienced pastry chef for suggestions and ideas. With these as a guide, I came up with a nice design and flavor. I chose Devil's Food cake for the base. I settled for cookies and cream filling. I was told it would be a garden reception so I chose to make buttercream with half amount of butter and half shortening. I was confident the cake would survive this heat.

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As for the design, I coated the cake with white buttercream and decorated it with blue buttercream in a whimsical design. I couldn't get the right shade of blue which was the motif of the wedding as there was only 2 shades of blue coloring available at the bakery.

Working in a bakery with no air conditioner was a headache. No matter how I tried, it was impossible to keep the frosting in place so I had to redo it. That explains the smudge on the cake. The second time I did the design, I put it back in the freezer every time I finished piping. It helped! I ended up with sore arms and back though. Imagine lifting a 25 pound 3-tier cake all by yourself.

The newly weds with the cake. The ribbon tied around the cake base was the right shade. I know the wedding cake was far from perfect but doing it in a hot bakery with only few tools, limited supply of ingredients and no assistant at all has made me proud of my accomplishment.

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