
March 20, 2012

Jullian Celebrates his 1st Birthday

I was at the Immigration Office for my visa renewal when I received a call from one of the members of the church I go to. Her son was turning 1 and she asked if I could make him a Mickey Mouse cake. It was Thursday, my last day at work. ( Friday and Saturday are my days off) I spent all morning waiting for my new visa and it was only half past one when it was released. I was thinking of going straight home from the Immigration Office. It was almost time for me to go home anyway. When the woman told me she had been searching for someone who could make the cake for a week, I hesitated. It's her son's first birthday. The last thing I would do was turn her down.

 The party was Saturday. I was off on Friday.  Well, I could bake the cake on Friday but I'd rather work overtime on my last day and enjoy my day off. I told her I'd do it.

Summer has arrived. The concept I had in mind was Mickey Mouse on a boat. I Googled  Mickey on a boat and found quite a few ideas. After some careful deliberation, my sister and I came up with an outdoor concept.

The boy's mom requested for a chocolate cake. I lumped the cake scraps together and formed it into a hill.I applied a thin coat of frosting. I chilled it before applying the next layer of frosting to ensure the cake had no crumbs. I used small star tip to pipe the grass on the hill.

I used the stone-shaped candy coated chocolate to outline the lake. I decided to use the  star tip to pipe the raspberry jelly to create ripples in the lake.

Next, I arranged sea creature gummies on the lake

To create a Mickey figure on the side of the cake,  I stick big M & Ms for  Mickey's face and two small M & Ms for the ears.

As for the cake topper, I spent more than 4 hours going from one store to another to look for Mickey Mouse figurine but to no avail. The stores only had Baby Mickey plush toys. I rang the mother to get her approval before I put this on top of the cake. I know it's big but it's the smallest I could find.

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