
June 10, 2012

A Gathering of NIS Faculty and Staff and Their Families

It's the end of school year again for international schools. A colleague of my sister, Geraldine  is leaving NIS for good. She had organized a potluck for NIS  workers  and teachers  whom like her are seeking  new adventures and  greener pastures.

Table was set

Geraldine's signature Filipino style spaghetti

Filipino spring rolls brought by Sunshine

Geraldine's salad

Chicken, potatoes and carrot dish

Grilled Tilapia

Nachos from Sunshine

Irene's Malaysian curry

Josh and Gerald

Kuya Nuj's roasted veggies

Roasted chicken

For dessert, my sis and I brought carrot cake. It was served during dinner and vanished in just a few minutes. Apollo, another Filipino, was unable to come but he sent ice cream cake. Pictured below.

Apollo's contribution- Ice Cream Cake

While the guests were busy talking and eating, I wandered around the neighborhood and found a pond.

At Geraldine's humble abode

It's playtime!!!

After meal, a lot of us gathered  to watch my sister's student and his dad play on a Thai television game show

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Geraldine (in dress) drank a toast with the other Pinays

Geraldine, we had a wonderful time during our visit. Thank you for hosting a great event!

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