
July 20, 2012

NIVA International School Heritage Day 2012

 Just some pictures I have been meaning to share with you. I took these photos during Heritage Day of NIS months ago. Each class chose a country they wanted to represent. Students were graded according to how they portrayed the cultures and traditions of their chosen country. They even dressed up in  traditional costumes.

The Kindergarten chose to represent the three East Asian countries - China, Japan and South Korea

 Kindergarten 1 - China

 K1 after singing Liang Zhi Lao Hu (Two Tigers same tune as Are you Sleeping Brother John)

Kindergarten 2 - South Korea

And of course the celebration was not complete without food

K2 getting ready for their catwalk.

Kindergarten 3 - Japan

Big sis did a lot of research about Japan. She posted them on the wall for visitors to see. The info was probably the reason why we fell in love with the country.

K-3 singing Big Ocean Mighty Ocean

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