
August 6, 2012

Frozen Chocolate Banana

My two nieces were spending the weekend with us. Because of our nannying stint, I thought our usual Friday night dinner would be called off but no one wanted to cancel it. I didn't mind it though as I already had a menu for the night. I made paksiw na isda (fish in vinegar sauce) and frozen chocolate banana for dessert.

These are delicious treat for kids and kids at heart. You can use any fruit you like. I used  bananas because they are aplenty in this tropical country.

Frozen chocolate banana
You'll need:

Ripe bananas
300 g Dark chocolate
50 g nuts, lightly toasted and coarsely chopped ( I used cashew nut)
Wax paper
Baking sheet

 Chop the chocolate into smaller pieces ( for easy melting).

Melt in a double boiler. Be sure to stir the chocolate with a spatula while it melts to keep the temperature even throughout.

Slice the banana in half. Peel. Cut off the pointy end of the skewer then stick the skewer into each banana.

 Dip each banana into the melted chocolate until coated. Give it a little tap and twirl to remove any excess.

Sprinkle the nuts before the chocolate sets. Once it dries up, the nuts won't stick to it.

 Lay on a baking sheet or plate covered with wax paper. Freeze for 30 minutes.

 Enjoy these like we did!

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