
August 23, 2012

Let Us Celebrate!!!

I track my blog's page views. When I saw the number of views at 8,000 and something, I promised my sister and  friends that I'd treat them once Pinay Panadera hits the 10,000th mark. A few weeks later, it did! I was ecstatic. To fulfill my promise I made to the girls, we went to Spaghetti Factory last Sunday. The restaurant is located on the 6th floor of Central World. Pasta dishes are its main menu but they do offer a variety of Italian dishes.

Salmon salad in balsamic vinegar came first. Fresh and crispy greens, flavorful smoked salmon.  On the downside,  it had way too much ground  black pepper. I had to remove them before eating each time. I expected to see a sprinkle of  black pepper  but not a generous grinding of it.

See below?

 A closer look. Was I exaggerating or was it really too much?

The House Pizza which was half pepperoni and half margarita had a thin crispy and flaky crust -the qualities we are looking for in a pizza.The toppings were distributed just right.

I's spaghetti in olive oil came next. I could sense her enjoyment while eating. It had bacon so I couldn't try it.

M's salmon pasta dish in cream sauce was served and the first thing we noticed was the plate it was in. We all dunked our forks into the plate and  let a goodness *sigh* in chorus.  It was amazingly good. The sauce had the right creaminess and the salmon was tender.  I really thought I made the wrong choice to share Lasagna Verde with my sister.

Lasagna Verde I shared with my sister. (vegetarian lasagna). It was good, okay, but I was more mesmerized by M's salmon pasta.

I's capuccino.

M's kiwi smoothie and my sis's mango smoothie.

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