
October 3, 2012

Baked Fusilli Topped with Sliced Potatoes

The experimental cook in me has inspired me to make this dish from scratch. I was supposed to make dumplings but was unable to buy the ingredients for the fillings so I postponed it. There's a major downpour and the last thing I wanted to do was leave the comforts of my home and go out in the rain. With the limited ingredients I had I was glad I was able to whip up something delicious before my sister came home from work.

Baked Fusilli topped with sliced potatoes

For the fusilli
150 g fusilli, cooked al dente
1 medium sized onion, chopped
3 heaping TBSP of tomato paste
1 TBSP brown sugar
1 potato, sliced
 3 TBSP butter

For the milk  and cheese mixture
2 cups evaporated milk
3/4 cup grated cheddar cheese (If you prefer a richer flavor, add more cheese)

Preheat the pan. Add butter. Swirl to coat the pan.
Saute the onion. Add the tomato paste.
Stir the water gradually until you have the sauce consistency. If the sauce thickens while cooking, add  water as needed.
Add sugar, salt and pepper. Stir. Do the taste test and adjust the seasoning if needed.
Add the cooked fusilli. Then add a dash of parsley. Toss to coat.
I don't have a baking dish so I placed the cooked pasta in a baking pan lined with aluminum foil.

Meanwhile, make the milk and cheese mixture. In a sauce pan, pour the milk. Add the grated cheese.Stir. Cook in low heat stirring from time to time for 5-8  minutes until it thickens.  Season with nutmeg.
Note: The sauce was a bit runny so I will add cornflour or flour next time I were to do it.

Cover the surface with sliced potatoes.

Pour the sauce over the layer.

Bake for 40 minutes until the potatoes are tender and the top is golden brown.


 My second serving.

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