
October 7, 2012

Tuna and Potato Patties

The wet weather in Bangkok is depressing.  Food supplies at home are rather low but my sister and I are feeling lazy and unmotivated to go out. I do get stuff from the market  and 7-11 from time to time but she and I haven't done a proper food shopping for a while now. The last time I went to the market was last week and I bought a kilo of potatoes. How did I utilize all of them? I haven't. Well, I used 400 g to make patties and the rest I still need to figure out what to make with them.

Tuna and Potato Patties

400 g potatoes, washed, peeled and quartered
140 g  can tuna
25 g butter
1 onion, finely chopped
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 TBSP lemon juice
dash of parsley
plain flour, for coating
1 1/2 cups dry bread crumbs ( I used tempura bread crumbs)
1 egg, lightly beaten
2 TBSPs milk ( I used soymilk)
oil for frying

Steam or boil the potatoes for 10-15 minutes or until tender ( if the the potato comes away easily when pierced with a point of a sharp knife, it is ready)
Drain the potatoes well. Return to the pan. Stir over medium heat to remove excess moisture.
Mash roughly, leaving a few small lumps. Allow to cool down.

In a small pan, melt the butter. Fry the onion over medium heat until soft not browned about 2-3 minutes.
Drain tuna well. Transfer into a bowl. Flake roughly with fork.
Add the potato mash,onion, egg.

Add lemon juice and parsley. Mix together well. (the mixture will be a little soft)
Form the mixture into 10 patties.

Place the patties in the fridge to chill a bit while you prepare the coating.
In two shallow dishes, place the flour and bread crumbs. In a separate  bowl, combine the egg and milk.

Note: For easy coating, I arrange the dishes in one line, the first dish for flour, then the  bowl for egg and milk mixture and the last dish for breadcrumbs.

Coat the patties lightly in the flour, then in the egg and milk.
Finally coat with the breadcrumbs.
Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper. ( I used baking pan)
Chill for 30 minutes to firm up the patties. (I chilled mine for 2 hours)

Heat the oil in the pan. Place the patties in the hot oil and fry for four minutes on each side or just until golden brown.

 Remove from pan and drain on paper towels. Enjoy this simple yet delicious dish!

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