
November 18, 2012

Banana Spring Roll (Turon)

Bananas can be made into satisfying snacks. In the Philippines where bananas are readily available all year round, people have invented ingenious ways of turning these fruit into something delicious.Take this turon for example. Turon or banana spring roll is a popular Filipino snack. The bananas are cut lengthwise, sugar is sprinkled over a piece of banana, then wrapped in spring roll wrappers and  deep fried.

Turon is a favorite afternoon snack of my family. Last night as I was wrapping the bananas, I had the childhood flashbacks to when  my aunt cooked this so often while there  were abundance of bananas at my grandparents farm. I remember feasting on turon with my sister and cousins after siesta.  How I wish to turn back time when I could eat them without laboring over it :)

Banana Spring Roll (Turon)

cooking bananas, cut lengthwise into 2
spring roll wrappers
chocolate chips, peanut butter or cocoa and hazelnut cream to sweeten

Peel off spring roll wrappers.

Lay one piece of banana at an angle across a corner.  Sprinkle chocolate chips on top. (you can get crazy on this.  I also used peanut butter and hazelnut cream as sweetener.)

Fold the top edge of the wrapper over the banana.  Bring the sides of the wrapper together so they are touching each other. Roll to tuck the banana inside. Continue rolling until the banana is completely wrapped. Using your fingers or pastry brush wet the end with water to seal.

Repeat the process with the remaining wrappers and bananas.

Pour enough oil in the pan. Heat the oil for about a minute. Once the oil is hot, reduce the heat. This is  to avoid the bananas from burning before the wrapper turns golden brown. Fry the banana spring rolls in batches. When they turn golden brown, remove from heat.

Drain on paper towels.

Remember to cool it slightly before eating!

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