
November 5, 2012

Tortiglioni With Tuna Sauce and Fried Garlic

Pasta with tuna sauce -  a delicious comfort food. Sprinkle fried garlic on top and you get an amazing flavorful dish. Last weekend my sister and I were both busy doing our thing that we lost track of time. She and I just noticed that the sun had gone down when our stomach growled.

The hunger growls made us take a quick break. I went to the kitchen. I checked the cabinet. I found a can of tuna, tomato sauce, tomato paste and pasta. I have 2 big packs of  tortiglioni so I have been thinking how to use them up. I came up with this simple dish and it turned out to be tasty meal.

What you need:
150 g pasta ( I used tortiglioni) cooked al dente

Tuna sauce:
150 g canned tuna, drain well
2 heaping TBSP tomato paste
150 g tomato sauce
1 TBSP sugar
dash of parsley

This is a sauce in a rush.  My sister and I were starving so I threw the tuna, tomato paste, tomato sauce and water in the sauce pan. I stirred it.  I added sugar to neutralize the acidity of the tomato sauce and seasoned it with salt and pepper.  I let it simmer for 2-3 minutes. I did the taste test and adjusted the flavor.   I added parsley last.

Before eating, I sprinkled fried garlic on top. I tell you, the taste,  aroma and  texture of garlic made this dish a winner.

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