
January 25, 2013

It's getting more exciting at work!


During the entire week I was requested to work in the pastry/bakery section. Helping the pastry chef was to my advantage. First of, I had to be at work before 7. I love to work early so getting up before the rooster crows is not an issue to me. Second of, I could go home before the rush hour began.(It begins at 5). The last reason which I think mattered most was learning from a more experienced professional. Well, I need to be trained by a seasoned pastry chef.

I was delighted to be given a chance to assist the hotel's pastry chef. I liked working with him as he could explain things to me in a language that we both speak and understand (English). I gained more ideas which will help me in my career advancement. I learned which techniques were best suited for each product. I became more versed in food handling, storage and preparation. I learned more dessert and cake designs too! I look forward to more challenges soon.

Here are some of the stuff the hotel serves during coffee break.

Tuna sandwich

Fruit Tart


Danish pastries

The hotel also serves cakes at lunch and dinner. Brownies are sold by weight.

Vanilla cake topped with cherries

Banana cake topped with caramelized  banana

Pandan cake topped with dessicated coconut