
January 3, 2013

Philippine Trip - Mommy's Birthday

Birthday cupcakes and cake I made for Mommy

The main reason of my trip to Philippines last Christmas was to attend Mom's birthday celebrations. Her birthday is the day before Christmas and it is an opportune time to share her blessings to others. Every year, she gives away 5 kilograms of rice to widows and widowers in the church and her community.

Originally, we planned to have her gathering at a park on a hill.  We changed it the last minute because most of her guests were older and were too weak to hike. Mom's favorite color is purple so my sister decorated the venue with purple and white balloons. I made cupcakes and cake frosted with purple butter cream.  Here are the highlights of her birthday gathering.

My sister, cousin and I traveled straight to our province in Marinduque after we landed in Manila. We had no time to waste. Her birthday was the following day so every second was crucial. We arrived the night before mom's birthday. Our travel took ages before we were finally home. Friends and relatives welcomed us with cheering. I had not been back for four years. It was so good to be home.

Many came and stayed almost the whole  night to help us prepare for the big day. Clock was ticking.

Mom's birthday giveaways

Assorted nuts, seeds, candies and rice crackers we distributed during game time.

Lighting candles. Each person with a candle gave his/her wishes.

Mom walked around to light each candle.

Mom lit her birthday candle last and blew it out.

Game time

Rice giving

We also prepared party favors for kids.

Kids queue up for their party favors.

More games followed before food was served. Thanks to my sister and aunt who took the effort to decorate the venue and to every one who joined us as we celebrated another year of Mom's life.

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