
January 11, 2013

Surviving My First Week at St. James Hotel

Fish Piccata in Tomato sauce

My three-month training at St James Hotel in Sukhumvit has started. I was given the late morning to evening shift so despite my desire to update this blog regularly, I can't. Since I got back from my country, I had been  busy preparing for this much anticipated "event". I had only five days rest before my training began and I still had not fully recovered from travel fatigue.

Anyway, I wanted to share with you my experiences in the first week of my 3-month stint. I was assigned to assist the Thai chef. She's an older woman, probably a little younger than my mom. We hit it off right away. Even I'm not proficient in Thai language  I had a blast working with her.  She taught me some knife and cutting techniques used for different types of vegetables. There were times when she let me cook Thai dishes just by following her instructions. It's a bit of struggle for me as I was not sure if I understood her instructions right. She's a very nice woman and she smiled at me even I didn't quite catch them.

Yesterday was a different story. There was a party later in the evening. Another chef was on vacation and the sous chef who's in-charged of Western dishes had to work alone. He asked me to assist him. With just a yes and a no, I managed to follow his instructions and I was able to help him finish all the dishes on time.

 Here are the food served at the party last night.

1. Pork stew
2. Seafood thermidor
3. Sauteed potatoes
4. Grilled vegetables

 1. Pineapple Fried rice
2. Stir-fried broccoli

 1. Chinese style braised pork leg
2. Duck red curry

 1. Spicy crispy mackerel salad
2. Thai Chilli and prawn paste dipping sauce

 1. Assorted sushi

The sous chef.

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