
February 10, 2013

Celebrating Chinese New Year

My circle of friends had been asking when the Friday night dinner would resume. I have my hands full at work .  I'm too exhausted by the time I get home. My sister does most of the cooking these days.

Because it's Chinese New Year,  I made an exception. I gathered the girlfriends for New Year celebrations. Everyone was delighted when I announced  I'd be cooking. The long wait was over.

Although I made dishes that I have cooked before, they all enjoyed the dinner I prepared.

Tomato and egg dish

 My sister requested for dumplings - her favorite. I made dough and filling. She wrapped them while I cooked other dishes.
Vegetarian dumplings

Everyone's favorite was di san xian.

Di san xian

Stir-fried cabbage

Steamed fish

 Dinner was served. Happy Chinese New Year!!!!!

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