
March 31, 2013

Tortilla Dessert Wrap

The roasting hot weather of Bangkok and my job are the reasons why I don't cook/bake a lot at home anymore. I work 9 hours a day and spend 3 hours commuting to and fro. Neither me nor my sister wants to deal with heat so we  whip up something quick and easy most of the times. Yesterday, my sister and I came home early from church. We took a nap and when we woke up we felt so hungry. We hadn't done food shopping for a week but we had tortilla stock in the fridge. I rummaged the fridge for whatever I could find and saw carrot, cucumber and  lettuce. Just the right filling for my wraps. I opened a can of tuna, topped the veggies with it and that's what we had for dinner. I was becoming tired of eating the same thing when I saw  bananas. I took the knife, chocolate syrup and announced I would make dessert using the remaining tortillas.

Tortilla Dessert Wrap

Bananas cut lengthwise
Chocolate syrup
Peanuts, lightly roasted

Put the tortilla on a plate. Lay the banana on the flat bread.

Drizzle with chocolate syrup.

 Roll the tortilla wrap.

Drizzle the wraps with more chocolate syrup. Top with roasted peanuts.  It's like turon minus the crispiness. Enjoy!

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