
July 31, 2013

Another Wedding To Remember

The resort where I used to work is an ideal wedding location. Mike and his fiancee chose to get married at the P. I bet it was the biggest wedding of the year because staff from different departments came to help clean and decorate the pool deck where the wedding was held.. Talk about teamwork! When I arrived, everything was set. My job was to document the event and I snapped away as soon as I got the chance.

The table and chairs were beautifully arranged and decorated with pink  and white cloth respectively..

A beautifully decorated table created a perfect setting for the wedding

Guests were welcomed with a beautiful centerpiece

Wedding favors were Thai handicraft

Guests indulged in strawberry cheesecake after meal

The highlight of the night was a 10-minute long fireworks.

The DJ played music until two in the morning. It was all dancing, drinking and merrymaking. Mike and Mila's wedding  was one of the happiest I have seen.

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