
July 1, 2013

Little India - George Town, Penang, Malaysia

 I had no chance to see Little India when I went to Penang 13 years ago. Visiting it was on my "to-do" list. I got really excited when I learned that the area was just a walking distance from my guesthouse. When a new friend mentioned having Indian food for breakfast that day, I asked if he could take me and my other two friends to the same restaurant. He wanted to go Indian for dinner that day so four of us went.

 In front of the restaurant, there are sections where they make different types of Indian bread. The restaurant offers a wide selection of tasty Indian food.

 Parota  bread in the making.

I ordered a  dish where a chopped parota was cooked with onions, tomatoes,chilli and egg. Yummy!

Here's my parota dish served with yoghurt sauce.

 Naan bread with chicken masala and mint sauce on the side.

Indian dipping sauces

Hindu temple

Indian store

On the way to Little India

Indian clothing store

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