
August 30, 2013

Chocolate Walnut Tart for the BR Restaurant's New Menu

The restaurant of the resort where I work is overhauling the entire menu. The first of such in four years since it started operation. That long, yeah. The new menu debuts today. Lots of new dishes and desserts await eager customers and patrons. As the person in-charge of desserts, I was asked to make chocolate walnut tart for the opening.

Here's my chocolate walnut tart. I used pate sucree or sweet pastry crust as my base. I made ganache with 260 grams of melted dark bittersweet chocolate mixed with  260 ml of boiled cream. I added about 150 grams of  sifted icing sugar to sweeten the mixture. I waited until the temperature went down to 36 degrees C (I used my thermometer) before I added 60 grams of softened butter. Adding the buter was primarily to make the ganache look shiny. I poured the mixture into my baked tart shell.  I decorated the top with walnuts.

I was rolling out pastries when I remember to take a picture of tart so I took it out of the chiller without washing my hands.Bad move. My floury hands  ruined the top. I hope the white spots vanish  before the restaurant serves it to our guests tonight.

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