
October 4, 2013

The Queen of Ravioli

My weekly ravioli making routine  bestowed on me a new name - The Queen of Ravioli. Yup, you heard it right. Ravioli is served during Sunday Brunch and is recently added to the restaurant's new menu so you can imagine the amount of this Italian filled pasta I make each week. Ravioli resembles Chinese dumplings. In China where I lived more than seven years,  dumplings are a must on Chinese New Year's eve. I had made them numerous times with former students, friends and adoptive Chinese family but my wrapping skills weren't up to par. With ravioli, I don't have rules to follow. I manage my own work and no one bugs me at how I should wrap my ravioli. Haha. (对不起 妈妈!)

Recipes for both the wrapper and filling were taken off of the internet. I double the amount to have more than enough for ala carte dining and brunch. No one does it but me so it is me to blame when the stocks run low.

The dough sheeter is such a brilliant invention. With just a few turns of the handle, the egg dough is rolled out into a thin dough. I use a round metal cutter to cut out circles in dough.

I brush the outer edges of dough with egg wash. This will help seal the dough so the filling won't escape underneath.

I spoon mascarpone cheese and mushroom filling into each wrapper.

I then fold over half of the wrapper. It will look  like half-moon shape. I pinch the edges together. Using a fork, I press it firmly on the dough to seal and  to make decorative edges as well.

I dust the ravioli with flour to avoid them from sticking together. Here's a tray full of ravioli. All set for cooking. Yum!

Let me share with you some photos my cousin R took while I made dumplings for Chinese New Year's eve dinner, also called Spring Festival.

The guy and the girl on my left were giving instructions on how I should wrap the dumplings. Here I was so focused on getting it right.

Spring Festival dinner with Yan family in Qingdao, Shandong, China. Many hours of prepping and cooking together made the evening more special. I miss them so!

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