
November 26, 2013

Apricot Tart

The main kitchen hands down any excess of its supply to the bakery.Lucky me! A recent surplus was a huge can of apricot. I have used it to make Danish pastries but there's more left. I have to finish it before it goes off. I dislike wastage. I hate seeing food get thrown away. To reduce the cost, I find ways to minimize  bakery's expenses. A smart way   is to make something which serves dual purpose.  I made two tarts. I cooked twice the amount of pastry cream so I could use the other half as my base for apricot tart.

I used the same shortcrust pastry tart shell. I spooned pastry cream into it. I arranged the apricots on top. I baked the tart for 25-30 minutes until the top was light brown in color.

Just before serving, I glazed it with apricot glaze. I sprinkled icing sugar on top. I didn't take my camera with me so I don't have the final look.

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