
February 9, 2014

Eggnog Square Cookie

It's  now February but here I am making another eggnog baked goodies again. The good news is I am down with the  last bottle of the holiday flavor.  Finally!  I am glad all of the seven bottles were put to good use. Instead of the usual panna cotta, I settled on making a cookie. Well it's actually  a cross between a cookie and a cake. I was surprised at how fantastic they turned out.  I decided to add more eggnog and the extra added flavor made the cookies more flavorful, super soft with cake-like texture. I opted to bake it square for a change and to save time as well. (Not that I am lazy but I had to do double amounts of work before I take my day off)

So if you still have the holiday nog sitting in your fridge, why not make them into these delicious treats.

Eggnog Cookie:
Adapted from lifeloveandsugar
1 1/2 cups butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 cup eggnog
2 eggs
5 cups all purpose flour
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp ground cloves
2 tsp vanilla extract
sugar for garnish

Sift together the flour, salt, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. Set aside.
Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition, Stir in eggnog and vanilla extract.
Add flour mixture gradually, scraping the sides of the bowl when needed. Mix until smooth.
Pour batter into a greased cookie sheet.
Sprinkle sugar all over the surface.
Bake in a preheated 175 degrees C (350 F) oven for 10-12 minutes or until done.
Let cool before slicing.


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