
February 6, 2014

My Chinese New Year Celebration, Italian Food and My Favorite Hangout Place

I was glad Chinese New Year fell on my day off. If I were  in Bangkok, people would find me in the kitchen cooking Chinese dishes. I live a long way from my family and friends now so I went to celebrate the holiday on my own. I searched for any restaurant where I could get something Chinese. I found  one  listed on the internet which serves dim sum but the restaurant was out-of-the-way. I wanted to find a place with an easy access to the beach so I could enjoy my meal in a nice surrounding. Although my workplace is just a couple meters away from the beach  I don't really get to enjoy the water. 

Fast forward, I went to the main tourist area where restaurants and shops lined the streets.  I would have more chances of finding a good restaurant. I walked past Japanese restaurant. I could have gyoza. It resembles dumplings. Nah.  I'd better look for more. I hadn't gotten that far when I spotted a sign of Duomo Italian restaurant. I'm a big Italian food fan but the beach was nowhere in sight. It was almost lunch time. I was starving. Not a good time to be choosy.I peeked through the glass door of the restaurant. The ladies were just setting  the table. I asked if they were ready for business and one lady walked me to my table. 

I couldn't decide between pizza, lasagna, ravioli and pasta. They all sounded nice. After some deliberation, I had finally made my decision to go for lasagna and bruschetta. They did not disappoint. The lasagna was tender and the sauce meaty. It was irresistible. I ate it all up.

Bruschetta was not too buttery nor salty. Just a perfect match for my lasagna.  I will definitely go back and try their pizza. 

I headed to my favorite hangout spot after lunch. It was packed but I managed to get a table . I spent the rest of the day sipping mango lassi, enjoying the sights and talking with two new friends who eventually shared the table with me. I had lots of fun.

Here are a few photos I snapped.

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