
April 20, 2014

White Chocolate Mud Cake

The April wedding season has finally come to an end. As I looked back at those hectic and exhausting weeks of planning, preparation and execution, I could not help but wonder how I managed to do all on my own. It drained me physically but the enormous compliments about my work made my heart melt.

I am back to my normal schedule. Well, at least for a week. While I have my precious free time, let me talk about this white chocolate mud cake I made for one of the weddings last week. The cake can be kept for a few days without chilling but since the  temperature in Thailand is soaring each day, I decided to keep it in the fridge to avoid spoilage. I didn't want to take a risk. It's a dense cake so I advised  that the cake be taken out of the fridge at least  an hour before serving as it is best eaten at room temperature.

Since it's a dense cake that doesn't crumble, frosting was easy. I used white chocolate butter cream and wrapped it with fondant.

The flower decorations added elegance to the cake. Just beautiful!

The flowers, called wax ginger (?) are native to Indonesia, I was told.
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