
June 10, 2014


One of the many products my sister brought back from her trip to Philippines in April is Marca Pina's Soyaghetti. It's a soya-based sweet style pasta sauce. It reminds me of a certain Chinese dish that I have come to love. I can't remember the name though. I haven't had it for ages but with just one taste, it brought me back to my glory days in China.

My sister bought just one pack.  I had to try it before returning to the island so I used the sauce when my sister requested  pasta for dinner one time. We normally cook more than enough food in case someone pays us a surprise visit. I cooked pasta good for three to four people, around 250 grams .

I emptied the pack of soyaghetti into the saucepan. I was curious if  tuna would go well with it so I dumped a whole can of tuna to the saucepan. I added a little bit of water to loosen the sauce and also reduce its sweetness. Once it simmered, I immediately removed it from  heat. I then added the cooked pasta into the saucepan.  I served it on a plate, garnished it with roasted peanut. It was so good!

We enjoyed it!

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