
June 1, 2014

Wedding Treats

I must admit I've been slow these days. Other than keeping up with the guests' demands, I'd been spending a lot of time planning for the treats I made for a colleague's wedding in May. I'm friends with the groom so I offered to make the couple's wedding cake but the bride preferred having a dessert table at the wedding.Well, I said dessert table it is. I got the list and pictures of the desserts they wanted and  they requested for them to be nice and colorful. The idea was to have treats that would remind the couple and their guests about summer picnics back in their home country in England.

I'd suggested I make a small and simple wedding cake for the "cake cutting" at the end of the party. They requested for a vanilla cake so here's what I made for them. It's really simple without decoration. I asked them to put at least 3 flowers on top.

The bride is gluten intolerant so all treats were made with gluten-free flour. I made vanilla cupcakes, half were frosted with pink butter cream , the other with purple butter cream.

 I almost forgot to garnish the cupcakes with sprinkles. I put umbrella in each. They did look summery.

The coffee-flavored chocolate truffles looked amazing in colorful jimmies. I used freshly brewed black coffee to get the full flavor and my decision did not disappoint.

The chocolate cupcakes in cones were challenging. I did a trial run twice before I got the procedure right.The contrast of colors worked really well. They looked stunning!

 The egg carton came in handy. The reception venue is miles away. I was worried about the treats not getting there in good shape so I used egg boxes to transport them. I was told they were all secured when they arrived at the restaurant. I was glad.

Making macarons was the part I found so challenging. The last time I made them was in October last year. I had completely forgotten the procedure. It also took me a while to get the hang of baking in the convection oven I wasn't familiar with. (I used the one in the main kitchen when I made the macaron cake last year) . With the second batch, I decided to do some tests with the oven I'm using at the bakery. I stacked two cookie sheets in the bottom to regulate the oven temperature. I placed the macarons on top of them.It worked. The macarons came out nicely. I baked the rest in the oven at the bakery.  I saved myself from running back and forth from the bakery to the main kitchen just like what I did last time when I made the macaron cake. What a relief!

Hearing good feedback from the couple and their guests was enough to ease my tiredness.

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