
September 17, 2014

Hexagonal Bavarian Cream Cake

The off season has began. We have  low occupancy rate and fewer events at the resort. My schedule is less hectic now that high season and  wedding season have come to a close. Since I  have enough time to spare, I get demands for extra work like  birthday cakes.  They are usually outsourced but whenever possible, I accommodate a guest's request.

As I take a break from making wedding cakes and treats, I find myself enjoying creating something new for our guests. Like this chocolate bavarian cream cake I made for a guest last Sunday. The design may not pass artistic scrutiny of highly talented pastry chefs but given the infrequency of making such cakes, I considered it a masterpiece.

Chocolate Bavarian Cream Cake:
130 ml milk
130 ml whipping cream
4 1/2 eggyolks
40 g sugar
8 g gelatine sheet
300 ml whipped cream
40 g dark chocolate, melted
40 g white chocolate, melted

Strawberry glaze:
50 g strawberry puree
10 g sugar
10 ml water
2 gelatine sheet

Combine milk and whipping cream in a saucepan. Heat mixture over medium heat. Meanwhile soak gelatine leaf in water to soften. Remove and squeeze out to remove excess water. Set aside.

While waiting for the milk/whipping cream mixture to come to a boil, whisk eggyolks and sugar in a clean aluminum bowl until pale,yellow and forms a ribbon.

Add the hot milk/whipping cream mixture into the eggyolk mixture gradually.

Place the mixture over a saucepan of simmering water. Cook until the temperature reaches 81C. If you have no cooking thermometer, you can always know when the mixture is  cooked when  the mixture coats the back of the spoon, Be sure to stir constantly as you cook it. Remove from heat and add the softened gelatine and stir until thoroughly mixed.

Strain the cooked mixture to get rid of lumps. Divide the mixture into two. Pour half into the bowl with melted dark chocolate, the other half into white chocolate. Stir to combine. Set aside to cool.

NOTE: You can put the mixture in the chiller or ice bath to cool it down faster but you have to stir it from time to time to avoid lumps from forming.

Divide whipped cream into two portions. When the chocolate mixture has cooled down to 20C, fold  whipped cream into the dark chocolate mixture, the other into the white chocolate mixture in three separate additions.

For strawberry glaze, combine all ingredients except for gelatine. Heat the mixture. Add softened gelatine. Stir to combine. Strain through a sieve.

How to assemble:
Place acetate around the inside of the hexagon cake ring. I didn't have any so I used a cling film to wrap each side of the ring. I won't recommend using it as it doesn't give the cake a smooth finish.
I used chocolate mud as the base but you can also use sponge. Place the cake in the ring then pour the dark chocolate mixture over it. Chill the cake until set.
When the first layer is hard enough, pour the white chocolate mixture over. Put the cake back to the chiller to harden.
When the layers are set, pour the strawberry glaze on top. Chill until set.
Stick chocolate shavings on the side.  Pipe whipped cream on the cake.Garnish with fresh strawberries. I cut mine in half because whole strawberry was just too big.
Write the inscription.
Serve and enjoy.

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