
October 29, 2014

A Surprise Birthday Cake

The resort's in-house DJ got a wonderful surprise on his birthday with this beautiful cake. It was a sudden request  from my boss and I was surprised I managed to put it all together on time. Whew! The request was all chocolate cake. I made chocolate chiffon cake  and covered it in classic chocolate butter cream icing.

I thought the addition of white shell border would add a nice finish to the cake. I piped the borders and wrote the inscription using vanilla frosting. You may wonder if both frosting were made separately. No, they were not.  I whipped up vanilla butter cream, set aside a small portion before I added the cocoa powder to make  chocolate frosting. Easier and faster that way than make two separate butter icing. On the side,  I arranged  sliced almonds neatly.

I got a huge smile and a thumbs up in return. The DJ was all smiles when he got this cake.

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