
May 28, 2015

A Beautiful Fruit Arrangement

This gorgeous fruit arrangement is truly eye-catching! The vibrant colors and the fruit display give life to the ordinary dessert table. Anyone who visits  the "cold room" is mesmerized by it.  The lady in-charge deserves an applause for a job well done which is why I decided to feature her work on here.  Nobody can do fruit plating as beautiful and elaborate as she can.

May 25, 2015

From Russia With Love

No. I am not talking about the James Bond film. I am talking about this dish made by a Russian chef. I was at Central Festival  Food Park not so long ago looking for something new to try when I spotted the sign "Russian Food". It got me excited. I decided right then what I wanted for lunch.

I can no longer recall the last time I had Russian food. It has been ages ago. Long before I have made a major career change. It was in the northernmost part of China when I was first introduced to the cuisine of the largest country in the world. I embarked on a ten-month teaching stint at a university in a city two hours away from the Russia- China border. Its' close proximity  to Russia resulted in an influx of Russian students wanting to learn the Chinese language.

May 21, 2015

My Chocolate Cake Collection

My chocolate cake collection is growing! I started compiling chocolate cake  recipes from the very beginning.  Chocolate cake is a frequent request from the guests which is why I try to keep myself updated with the recent trends. Although I keep my eyes open on the latest cake decorating ideas, I still do things spontaneously. Well, I've got to follow my instinct! That is what I learned after many years of cake making.

May 18, 2015

Fruit Arrangement -The Continuation

I have been totally smitten by these intricately carved fruits on brunch's dessert table. The new demi chef de partie does not fail to surprise us with her artistic creation. Her fruit arrangement is something I always look forward to on Sunday.

May 15, 2015

MOS Burger at Central World

I am not a burger fanatic but I would make an exception with burger at MOS. It is a Japanese owned fast food company that has opened many outlets in Bangkok. Their burgers are to die for. They serve good quality burgers which are amazingly good. They use the freshest ingredients too.

May 11, 2015

More Elaborate Fruit Arrangement

Our new demi chef de partie exhibited another complex fruit arrangement for brunch. The fruit's bright colors reflected the sunny tropics of the resort island. Her work has been the highlight of the dessert room and is wowing not just the staff but the  guests as well.

May 7, 2015

Wedding Cake Topper - The Trial

A June bride wants Batman and Batwoman cake topper for her wedding next month. She sent a picture and inquired if the baker ( which is me) could sculpt the hero and his bride just like how they look in the picture. My boss asked if I could give it a go. That was difficult  but I tried anyway. She took a picture of it once it's done and sent it to the bride.

May 4, 2015

Elaborate Fruit Platter

We welcomed a new member to our kitchen staff not so long ago. She works with the cold kitchen. Apart from her job as demi-chef de partie, she also handles vegetable and fruit carving and fruit arrangements. She does a fantastic job! I am mesmerized with everything I have seen so far. Her works deserve a blog entry(ies) which is why I asked her permission to feature her creations whenever possible.

This is the first of many entries that you will be seeing in the weeks to come.

May 1, 2015

My Comfort Food After The Big Day

I spent the last couple of months preparing for a language test. It was a nerve wracking ordeal from the time I started reviewing up to the big day when I sit the test. My blog was on hiatus for quite some time. It is only recently when I started posting late entries.  I am back for now and I hope to update this blog as often as I can.

The testing venue was in Bangkok. I took a few days off so I could prepare myself mentally and emotionally. The test took one day as there were eighty- six candidates who did the test in all four skills - listening, reading, writing and speaking. The last test was the speaking test which was an interview. It lasted for 15 minutes which to me seemed eternal. Once the interview came to an end, I had such a feeling of relief. My first thought was get a good meal. I felt like I had not eaten in ages! I left the testing venue immediately. I  rang my sister to tell her I was on my way home. She suggested we meet at a shopping mall close to where she lives. She was buying me dinner. My mind and body were drained and exhausted. I could use a really good meal.