
May 1, 2015

My Comfort Food After The Big Day

I spent the last couple of months preparing for a language test. It was a nerve wracking ordeal from the time I started reviewing up to the big day when I sit the test. My blog was on hiatus for quite some time. It is only recently when I started posting late entries.  I am back for now and I hope to update this blog as often as I can.

The testing venue was in Bangkok. I took a few days off so I could prepare myself mentally and emotionally. The test took one day as there were eighty- six candidates who did the test in all four skills - listening, reading, writing and speaking. The last test was the speaking test which was an interview. It lasted for 15 minutes which to me seemed eternal. Once the interview came to an end, I had such a feeling of relief. My first thought was get a good meal. I felt like I had not eaten in ages! I left the testing venue immediately. I  rang my sister to tell her I was on my way home. She suggested we meet at a shopping mall close to where she lives. She was buying me dinner. My mind and body were drained and exhausted. I could use a really good meal.

My sister and I had a hard time deciding what to get. We walked the entire length of second and third floors where most of the restaurants were located in search of good food. My sister doesn't eat meat. I cut down my meat consumption to two servings a week. We both wanted to eat a nice vegetable dishes. Then she remembered a Chinese/ Thai Restaurant she frequented. She knew I wouldn't say no to anything Chinese. I was ecstatic!

Here's a peek of Meng Chinese Restaurant menu.

My sister has eaten at Meng's many times. I trust her judgment so I let her order dishes. Besides, with what I went through the whole day, I could not be choosy. I just wanted to fill my tummy

Her favorite drink at Meng's is chrysanthemum tea. She suggested I try it as well. It was soothing and relaxing, a perfect stress reliever.

In Thailand, all stir fry dishes use oyster sauce as flavoring. While browsing the menu, I spotted this Chinese kale dish and I knew right away that it's what I wanted . I talked to the waiter and asked  if they could use soy sauce in place of  oyster sauce. She dashed into the kitchen and came back with a good news. The cook agreed to my request.  I was grateful.

The kale was fresh and crunchy. The sauce was thickened with corn flour. We knew we were safe. It was good.

 Another favorite of my sister is this bamboo soup.  It was light and comforting. I didn't have a lot because I was busy munching the kale stems.

As islanders, having fish is a must. We both agreed to get a deep-fried fish. It came with sour  mango sauce and another sauce which tasted sweet. We enjoyed every part of it.

I took breaks for every spoonful, sharing my experiences during the test. I was able to decompress over a good dinner and have bonding time with my sister. How blessed I am to have a sister like her.

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