
October 5, 2015

A Small Cake Decorating Mishap

This year's offseason  is unusual. There were less happenings at the resort these days compared to  the previous year when we catered for quite a number of parties long after the busy season has passed, I am getting bored. I am not used to experiencing slow days  at work too often as I enjoy hard work and being active.

At times like this when it is slow and quiet, baking something nice can keep my spirits high. When I got a request to make a chocolate cake for a guest and her girlfriends, I  was delighted. I have finally got something to get me motivated once again.

The request was  a one pound chocolate cake. Easy. They needed it dinner time. It would be ready way before that. I baked it,  layered and coated it with chocolate butter cream. I wrote the inscription and piped the decorative edges on top using vanilla butter cream. Done! Fast and easy but I was acting hastily when  I used just one small spatula to  transfer the cake to the serving platter. I lost balance and the cake fell on the plate  top first. (Good thing not on the floor or else I would have to do it all over again)  Imagine how annoyed I was at myself.

It was still intact when I turned it over. The only part that was damaged was the top. I quickly redid the cake, wrote the message a second time and piped the beautiful borders on top and the base. Here's how it looked. It was good as it was the first time!

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