
November 11, 2015

White Chocolate And Raspberry Cake

White chocolate and raspberry cake is this year's favorite.  Since I made it for  a couple  on their wedding day, it has become the most requested cake.  

I didn't have all the things called for in the original recipe which made me do a bit of tweaking.  I normally use medium size eggs in baking. That went to my batter in place of large eggs.  I made my own self-raising flour because it's way cheaper than buying the original. Here in the tropics, getting access to fresh raspberries is impossible. I used frozen raspberries instead. Some suggests not to defrost frozen raspberries if used in baking. As for me, I  let it thaw  and leave in a strainer to drain all the liquid before adding it to the batter. This has always work for me.

The cake peaked while baking. I got rid of the dome (which I happily munched after everything is set) before filling and frosting the cake with vanilla butter cream. I can say this is one of the nicest cakes I made. Try it for yourself.

The original recipe called for a two 20 cm round pans which was  not enough for a bigger group. I adjusted the amount of ingredients (below) by half and baked it in a square pan as per request.

White chocolate and raspberry cake
Source: BBC Goodfood

200 g butter, chopped
100 g white chocolate
4 medium size eggs
200 g caster sugar
200 g all purpose flour
2 teaspoon baking powder
175 g fresh or  frozen raspberries

Preheat oven to 160C. Grease and line the base of two 24cm square pans.

Make self-raising flour by sifting together all-purpose flour and baking powder. Set aside.

Put chocolate and butter in  an aluminum bowl. Place it over a pan of simmering water. Let it melt slowly. Be sure to stir it occasionally.

When the butter and chocolate have melted, remove from heat and set aside to cool down for a couple of minutes so as not to cook the eggs when you add them. Add eggs and sugar and beat until blended. Note: The hand mixer would be a great help.

Fold in the flour mixture. Pour half the batter in prepared pans. Sprinkle the raspberries evenly across the batter. Pour the remaining half of batter and sprinkle the rest of raspberries.

Bake for 20-25 minutes or until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean.Remove from the oven. Let it sit for ten minutes before unmolding the cake. Let cool in a wire rack.

Fill and frost with vanilla butter cream or white chocolate ganache. Decorate. As for this cake, I used sliced almonds on the sides and cover the top with raspberry coulis.

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