
February 8, 2016

Xin Nian Kuai Le (Happy New Year)

With the number of Chinese visitors to Samui growing, hotels and resorts on the island have organized their own festivities to commemorate Chinese New Year.  Since the resort I am working for is best known for its brunch, it offered  Chinese- inspired dishes in honor of the occasion.

And of course the whole  event would not be complete without Chinese-themed desserts. The  chef wanted me to create a treat in a shape of a dragon. That's a big challenge but I said I'd try. I've never done such a complicated dessert.  I turned to Google for ideas and found the strawberry shortcake dragon. I clicked the link and directed me to Pinterest. I am not a registered Pinterest user so I had no chance of knowing the recipe and procedure. As I was looking at the picture, I came up with the idea of using choux pastry dough to make the base.  I needed a curve shape. Choux pastry dough wouldn't have any problem  holding its shape. Problem solved.

To pipe the batter, I used  a 20 mm round piping tip. I skipped the egg wash because I didn't want a richly colored choux pastry. I baked it for 15 minutes. I let it cool completely before decorating.

I used the star tip to pipe whipped cream. Lastly, I arranged the sliced strawberries on top. I used a whole strawberry for the face, green sugar pearl for the eyes, and banana leaf for the tongue. I didn't know how to make  the legs so I used this green thingy (can't remember what it's called). To avoid the serving platter to look too bare,  I put four red velvet cupcakes on the side. I covered it with red fondant and  wrote  the words Xin (new) Nian (year) Kuai Le (happy) in Chinese characters for a full impact.

Happy New Year!!!!

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